Software Engineering So Far

14 Oct 2022

SWE at desk

Sofware Engineering Iceberg

There is a lot to learn and keep up with when it comes to technology and I feel like the world of software development keeps you on your feet. At all stages of working on a project, there are so many different ideas to implement as project development goes forwardd. As ICS 314 (Software Engineering I) comes to an end, there are a few ideas I will keep with me and continue to develop throughout my life.

, I’m still not fully capable of understanding how some key features in the Meteor application framework function. However, I’m able to implement things that are needed for basic functionality in a web application. I feel like the ability to create prototypes that bring ideas to life is what makes software engineering so fun. Along the journey in ICS 314, there have been many concepts that I know I will continue to encounter as I seek a role in software engineering. A couple of these concepts are configuration management and coding standards.

Configuration Management & Agile Project Management

Configuration management and agile project managemnet go hand-in-hand to ensure the successful development of a software project. Configuration management for a project that is larger than a few lines of code is a necessity, especially with multiple people modifying the files. Configuration management ensures a stable version while development continues in the background. Agile project managemenet is a way of breaking down a project into smaller tasks. Agile project management provides structure to the different development stages of a project. The primary method of agile project management used was Issue Driven Project Management (IDPM).

It also tracks changes made by different people. Working with a tool like GitHub helped me to understand what was going on in the different modules. I was able to see what changes were made and what changes caused errors. The concept of agile project and configuration management together made teamwork less stressful. Being able to work on different branches reduced the clutter and stress of wondering if my changes would erase all of the time put into something that works. As a team During the development of my group project, GitHub allowed each member to work on tasks without worry of stopping other members progress.

Coding Standards

Coding standards ensure longterm of a software project. In a large projet coding standards can reduce the clutter because everything is implemented uniformly.